Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hazel Creek with Brandon (summer '08)

We set up a shelter at campsite 86 at the mouth of Hazel Creek in case we had to eat in the rain or wait a storm out to cross back over. Guess what? No rain and no fish! Ha ha ha. So, we ate crackers and paddled fast so we could eat at Fontana Village deli.

Can you believe this crayfish claw?!!!! Its about 4" long! Makes me want to think twice about sticking my toes in the water!

Portaging back to the lake from #86

Sumer view of Hazel Creek at the area of where the bridge is located. Now look at the next picture...

In the winter draw-down (November 2006). Brandon and I were paddling at the top of the waterline. Now that's a lot of water that is drawn out every year! Hard to believe we are in a drought huh!

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