Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Broken bent shaft on Tellico

Ha ha ha....poor Charlie!   Charlie and I paddled on Tellico during Hurricane Lee on Labor Day weekend.  We had the whole lake to ourselves....I guess because we got 8" of rain!   Anyway, Charlie paddled so hard that he broke his 20 year old bent shaft paddle!  Just thought you would like to see the picture!   Will someone buy him another?

Coytee Springs on Tellico Lake

What a beautiful paddle overnight with Nelson!
This is a campsite on a beach near the trail but off the main channel.  We hung our hammocks in the woods and had a fire on the beach.  AWESOME!
This is sunset in the cove.  BEAUTIFUL afternoon paddle!

How about THAT sunrise!  All this in the Coytee Cove area!

To finish the entire Little T shoreline paddle, I need to go from Coytee to the dam on both shorelines and paddle the section of Clear Creek.  Then I need to go to Fontana and finish Panther Creek and the section from the Lake up as far as I can go on the Nanny....and the entire shoreline of the Little T will be paddled!